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"Goddam Dangerous" — On Tour

This July (2023), students and faculty of the Amerika-Institut will perform "Goddam Dangerous" — A Stage Reading of Historical Documents on the Cuban Missile Crisis in Jena and Berlin.


goddam dangerous

After two performances in Munich, our stage reading "Goddam Dangerous" will travel to Jena and Berlin. Join us in having a look behind the curtain of these fateful days in October 1962!

Jena: Sunday, July 2, 6:30pm, Auditorium der Graduiertenakademie
Berlin: Monday, July 3, 6.30pm, Hörsaal 1b der Freien Universität Berlin, Rostlaube, Habelschwerdter Allee 45

As usual, the writers and performers will stay for a Q&A after the show. Admission is free, updates regarding time/place of performances will be posted here.

The stage reading offers a glance behind the scenes of the fateful days in October 1962. Under the direction of Alexandra Schenke, a historian at the Amerika-Institut of LMU Munich with degrees in acting and film, students of the Amerika-Institut will simulate some of the tensest moments and exchanges of the crisis. The stage reading, conceived in collaboration with Dr. Andreas Etges, is based on excerpts from speeches and letters by John F. Kennedy, Nikita Khrushchev, and Fidel Castro, secret recordings of Kennedy’s crisis team and other primary sources. Reimagined and respoken, they will be brought to life on stage within a framework of classic theater and multimedia elements, providing a special experience of this historical event 60 years later.

Cast & Crew

John F. Kennedy, President - Franca Lindner
Bobby Kennedy, Attorney General - Theresa Hilz
Curtis LeMay, Chief of Staff, U.S. Airforce - Andreas Etges
Robert McNamara, Secretary of Defense - Maren Lutz
McGeorge Bundy, National Security Advisor - Kira Hentschel
Dean Rusk, Secretary of State - Haley Snyder
Adlai Stevenson, Ambassador to the UN - Helena Nitsche
Nikita Khrushchev, First Secretary/Chairman - Tamara Blank
Andrei Gromyko, Minister of Foreign Affairs - Maxi Sacher
Anatoly Dobrynin, Ambassador to the U.S. - Eleni Garmhausen
Valerian Zorin, Ambassador to the UN - Eleni Garmhhausen
Fidel Castro, First Secretary/Prime Minister - Max Röger
Che Guevara, Minister of Industries - Abessalom Araiza
Konrad Adenauer, West German Chancellor - Michael Hochgeschwender
Walter Lippmann, Journalist - Stefan Aubrey
Narrator - Alexandra Schenke

Offstage Team:

Raphael Dafinger, Patrizia Eckerlein, Nina Weißer,
Veronika Wittmann

Script by

Dr. Andreas Etges and Alexandra Schenke

Directed by

Alexandra Schenke

Special Thanks

Special thanks to Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena and Freie Universität Berlin, the U.S. Embassy Berlin, and the Department of Anglistik and Amerikanistik for making this project possible.