American History, Culture and Society

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Surname, First name Title Position
Benesch, Klaus Prof. Dr.  International Research Professor
Decker, Christof Prof. Dr.  Professor of American Studies
Dümpelmann, Sonja Prof. Dr.-Ing.  Professor and Chair of Environmental Humanities Co-director Rachel Carson Center
Hackenesch, Silke Prof. Dr.  Visiting Professor for American History and Transatlantic Studies
Hochgeschwender, Michael Prof. Dr.  Professor of North American Cultural History, Empirical Cultural Research and Cultural Anthropology
Lübken, Uwe Prof. Dr.  Project Director DFG-project: "Vanport, Oregon: Environmental Justice, Displacement and the Reconstruction of a 'Lost City'"
Mauch, Christof Prof. Dr.  Professor and Chair for American Cultural History and Transatlantic Studies (on leave)
Mitman, Gregg Prof. Dr.  ERC Professor
Monot, Pierre-Héli Prof. Dr.  Professor of Transnational American Studies: Political Theory, Aesthetics and Public Humanities
Ostendorf, Berndt ✝ Prof. Dr. em.  Professor emeritus of North American Cultural History
Prutsch, Ursula Prof. Dr.  Professor of American Cultural Studies
Schmidt, Kerstin Prof. Dr.  Professor and Chair of American Literary History Director, Bavarian American Academy (BAA) President, Society for the Study of Contemporary Drama in English (CDE)